When Not To Tell Your Story
Victoria lawyer James A.S Legh explains that an examination for discovery is not the time or place for a running narrative. While we might want to offer more information than they ask for, it is important to keep our answers short and succinct by using “Yes” or “No” where we can.
Many thanks to you, Danni. You were one of the few people who guided me through some very dark and trying days.
I couldn’t imagine using any other law firm.
Danni, being smart and keeping calm are two key things. The third is, you don’t drop the ball.
Tyler Luchies has been an incredible lawyer for many different situations. Thank you!!!
There is a special place in heaven for you. Thanks for getting me to the finish line.
You all will always be a big part of my life.
She was always available to listen to my questions and concerns and was able to explain and reassure with a caring professionalism.
Jim Legh is funny and makes relief from stressful situations.